Kas sinu elustiil on tervist toetav?

juuli 18, 2022 | Blogi

You started to take real food organ supplements. That’s great! You have taken a big step forward about being more aware about your health. 

In this post we would like to take you through some great all natural health components to add into your day to day life to increase the wellness levels. 

  1. Sun and Vitamin D
    Are you getting enough exposure to the sun and natural elements like soil, clean water and fresh air? We can talk all day about the benefits of the magnificent sun that helps our body to produce Vitamin D which then is being used to absorb minerals like calcium to build and maintain vital bones.
    Also watching the sunrise first thing in the morning helps our body to get in the natural circadian rhythm helping to manage our sleep better. Better sleep quality = more vitality.
    If you increase the amount of healthy animal fats in your diet, like beef tallow, wild caught fish and organic butter, you put your skin in a good place not to burn on a hot and sunny day, but like always it helps but don’t go too extreme.
    Sun is our friend and helps us to charge our batteries after dark and cold winter.
  1.  Sleep:
    Maybe one of the most important health aspects. Without it we are lazy, moody and lacking energy, lacking willpower. If you look at the babys, they sleep around 16-20 hours a day and grow about 5 to 10 cm in a single month. Sleep is also crucial for brain development.
    Our suggestion is to get at least 7h a sleep every night. Even better, if you manage 8-9h and get to bed before 11PM.
    Some people get away with only 5-6h every day, like some get away with heavy smoking and not getting lung cancer but it is mostly a rare occasion and life might catch up and hit hard.

  2. Vigorous movement:
    Jump. Run. Swim. Lift. Crawl. Climb. Wrestle. Play ball. Dance. Repeat.
    Get into the good habit of moving every single day not too much but enough to break a sweat a couple times a day. 

These were some lifestyle recommendations if you want to maximize your potential. 

Stay positive !

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